How to create a brand territory when Architectures-studio becomes architecturestudio?

Branding, Digital, Print, Architecture & Heritage
Architecture Studio
Paris, France, 2020
Typographie : Dalton Maag

Architecturestudio, is an architecture and urban planning agency founded in 1973. With offices in Paris, Shanghai and Zug, it assembles a multidisciplinary team of 150 people of 20 different nationalities around its 13 partners.
In 2018, the agency entrusted us with a comprehensive mission to rework its visual identity, website and communication tools. 

The identity needs to function as an effective communication tool but also one that is easily accessible in order to ensure full buy-in from the whole team. We proposed to contract the name in architecturestudio to make it a brand image. We then worked with the London foundry Dalton Maag to customize existing lettering in order to create a bespoke typeface. This customization consists in highlighting the typographic signs that create an identity rhythm whenever the agency speaks. Meanwhile, the existing communication tools are completely restructured. Texts and iconography for all projects are reworked and a wide-ranging harmonization of the visuals is performed. 

During the conception of the website, we proposed that the site become a genuine working tool for the collaborators. The site allows to automatically generate project files, group social networks within the same news space and make systematic connections between projects and their news.